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Environment & Energy

Decades of expertise, driving sustainable solutions

We have many years of experience in conducting environmental studies, licensing, and providing consulting services aimed at mitigating and addressing environmental impacts for private and public projects of local, municipal, regional, and national significance. 

Our team undertakes the environmental licensing for large and complex projects within or near Natura 2000 areas, National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, forested areas, sensitive water bodies, or Landscapes of Exceptional Natural Beauty. We succeed thanks to having two decades of experience, modern tools, and scientifically substantiated services.

Head of Department

Ahi Mantouza

Head of Environmental Studies Department

Ahi Mantouza is an Environmental Engineer with a degree from the Polytechnic School of Democritus University of Thrace and two postgraduate degrees: "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" and "Water Resources and Environmental Management."

She possesses extensive experience in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), climate resilience evaluations for infrastructure projects, and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) for public and private ventures. Her expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) strengthens her ability to manage and analyze environmental data effectively.

Driven by a passion for addressing environmental challenges, Mrs Mantouza has participated in research and innovation projects such as PEARLS, POSBEMED2, CESME, WET-AID, and TERRA-MED, focusing on topics like Renewable Energy and Circular Economy. Her experience includes design, proposal writing, and implementation of co-funded projects under European territorial cooperation programs.

With a New Zealand heritage, Mrs Mantouza brings exceptional verbal and written communication skills in English. Her involvement in international and multicultural teams highlights her dedication to fostering collaboration and advancing innovation.

She actively participates in committees and organizations such as the Permanent Environmental Committee of the Technical Chamber of Greece/Central Macedonia, the Northern Greece Committee of the Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association, the European Water Resources Association (EWRA), and the Panhellenic Association of Environmental Engineers (PASDEE).

Sub Categories

  • Documentation reports on climate resilience for infrastructure projects, in line with EU and Ministry of Environment and Energy guidelines for the 2021-2027 period
  • Carbon footprint assessment and reports, based on the National Climate Law, the GHG Protocol, and ISO 14064:1-2018
  • Municipal Emission Reduction Plans and studies on solid waste management (e.g., biowaste, green points, transfer stations)
  • Studies and consulting services for solid waste management and environmental infrastructure (biowaste, green points, transfer stations, local waste management, etc.)
  • Consulting services for exploring criteria and possibilities for the siting of private and public projects and investments
  • Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments for Special Spatial Plans, Local Spatial Plans, Operational Programs, and Strategic Investment Special Spatial Development Plans 
  • Environmental Impact Assessments for categories A1/A2 and Standard Environmental Commitments for category B, including modifications and renewals of Environmental Terms Approval Decisions
  • Special Ecological Assessment Studies for projects and activities in categories A1, A2, and B within or near protected areas of the Natura 2000 network
  • Municipal Management Plans for Sustainable Energy and Climate 
  • Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for municipalities
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